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Law Academy of Yaroslav the Wise - Poltava

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Poltava Faculty of Law was established in 2002 to provide legal and related personnel Poltava regions according to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine number 332 of February 28, 2001 and the order of the rector National Law Academy of Yaroslav the Wise tray VJ Number 43 K from March 15, 2002 In 2010 Poltava Faculty of Law was reorganized in Poltava Institute of Law, National Law University Yaroslav the Wise.

Poltava Institute of Law is a separate structural unit of the National Law University Yaroslav the Wise, the city of Kharkiv.

The Institute trains specialists for government, local government, law enforcement and judicial authorities, business organizations and other areas of legal practice full-time and distance learning in the specialty "Law", educational qualification levels "Bachelor" and "Master". The licensed volume of enrollment of students: full-time education - 225 persons for correspondence -150 persons.

In Poltava Institute of Law, where more than 1,000 students, is in the friendly atmosphere of mutual help.

Special pride of Poltava Institute of Law - its faculty. Instructors are highly qualified legal professionals who possess practical skills of legal work, and renowned experts humanitarian and socio-economic trends. Take an active part in writing academic and research papers are active participants in international, national and regional scientific conferences. The Department holds regular scientific and practical activities.

Teaching carry four departments: Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Department of Criminal, administrative law and process department of civil, economic and environmental law department of humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines. The department has 45 teachers, among them - 6 doctors, including 3 doctors of legal sciences and 4 professors, 22 PhD, 20 of which - Doctor of Law.

Of all the disciplines in the Institute includes scientific and artistic circles in which students realize their best abilities. Each year, the Institute conducted over 15 scientific conferences and round tables. In scientific work involving more than 280 students who study relevant theoretical and practical problems of law and the humanities.

Poltava Institute of Law has an extremely strong material base; there are all the necessary conditions for mastering the chosen specialty, and for full development. The total area of ​​school buildings is 13,917 m2. In his room are 6 lecture halls, classrooms, auditorium distance education, sports, computer and fitness facilities, swimming pool, well equipped conference rooms, library and reader of knigoshovischem hall, a museum of criminology, meeting room and so on. Dining restaurant type has two dining rooms and buffet, featuring different exclusive and delicious.

For rest and recuperation students built sports complex, which includes a gym with a total area of ​​521 m2 and a room with modern exercise equipment, a professional pool a total area of ​​1168 m2, playgrounds, soccer field coated with artificial grass and a playground with a natural covering basketball and volleyball and running track.

Subdivisions institute a modern media library with great literary fund, which provides information security training and research.

At the institute is a modern nine-storey hostel-type hotel with total area of ​​5607 m2 for 320 seats. Each floor hostel located residential blocks, toilet and bathroom and kitchen unit. Dorm decoration is made of high quality materials, housing and front rooms have comfortable modern furniture.

Poltava Institute of Law cooperates with ministries, executive and judicial authorities and enterprises in the scientific and legal support of their activities, as well as passing students academic, industrial and legal practice and training. All graduates are in demand in the labor market, working in courts, law enforcement bodies, executive bodies and local authorities, lawyers and notaries and others.

National Law University Yaroslav the Wise has advanced international links, which can take advantage of and students of the Institute. Adjusted cooperation in the field of legal education and science with educational and research institutions of other countries and international organizations offers opportunities for playing Master's program and reception at the Institute gained additional education diploma European standard.